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Latest MySpace.com deaths

I guess this is what happens to all your flattering, handheld portrait shots when you die – they become creepy.


"The sad fact is that more and more of us, as we invest ourselves in the web, entrusting intimate personal information to garish pages, are destined to leave hastily-constructed, poorly-designed memorials online when we die, trivial shrines whose guest books and comments sections will continue to grow even as we rot, puffing up slowly with hackneyed, repetitive, ghoulish, unintentionally funny tributes.

Eventually, of course, these pages, too, will follow us into oblivion. Tribute activity will level off, some administrator or relative will delete us, the networking brand itself will fall out of favor, its elderly owner will also die, and even his satirists will stop maintaining their spoof page about him. Out of fashion, replaced by new technologies as yet unimagined on infrastructure as yet unbuilt, the network will change hands a few times and close.

Then, thank God, that wretched novelty song we threw up in a whimsical moment will stop loading. Then, finally, our digital ghosts will find peace, and escape the great cycle of humiliation.

There's a short cut to the same nirvana, though: You could make today the day you commit MySpacecide."

-Momus, via Wired

myspace - virtual obituaries, personally updated by you, daily!

the sheer amount of deaths by autmobile in comparison to any other means are beyond what i would have imagined.

jose didn't we toss around an idea somewhat similar...

jose didn't we toss around an idea somewhat similar...

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