people i've met at psytrance make it to vice mag
...from Vicemag's DON'Ts:
No, you are not hallucinating. Some wrinkly old turd brainwashed a woman into allowing his penis into her body because it’s “spiritual.” What is it about these “make up your own religion” guys where fucking a lot of young girls is always a crucial part of the “awakening.
which vicemag got every bit wrong. the 'wrinkly old turd' in question is maybe 60 and fit as a beast, and the 'young girl' is no spring chicken, but can do contortions like nobody's business.
cool peeps, too. pics from Halcyon:
hahah that guy and the nyc lady with the poodle hahah awsome
Posted by frankthebunnie | 3:19 AM