"I would like to do something that makes people happy"
Two articles revolving around Keita Takahashi, creator of Katamari Damacy.
"What do Grannies like?"
He introduced the design of his new controller specifically tailored for the Granny, and a picture of a cat appeared on the screen to great amusement. He explained, "the shape of the cat and the heat waves that it gives out really gets the old ladies going as they get quite cold. They like the cat shape. The cat is designed to be rested on the old ladies knees." The cat controller was met with rapture from the audience as Takahashi went on to explain the gameplay concept.
[thank you boingboing for bringing this to my attention]
Katamari Damacy designer analyzes self, industry, and games in general.
"I often wonder whether [artists] are contributing anything to society." He expressed his fear that artists are only relevant to themselves and remarked that the thought "never sat well with me."
[thank you me, for using google search to bring this to my attention]
Why does September 20th seem like it's FOREVER away?
"What do Grannies like?"
He introduced the design of his new controller specifically tailored for the Granny, and a picture of a cat appeared on the screen to great amusement. He explained, "the shape of the cat and the heat waves that it gives out really gets the old ladies going as they get quite cold. They like the cat shape. The cat is designed to be rested on the old ladies knees." The cat controller was met with rapture from the audience as Takahashi went on to explain the gameplay concept.
[thank you boingboing for bringing this to my attention]
Katamari Damacy designer analyzes self, industry, and games in general.
"I often wonder whether [artists] are contributing anything to society." He expressed his fear that artists are only relevant to themselves and remarked that the thought "never sat well with me."
[thank you me, for using google search to bring this to my attention]
Why does September 20th seem like it's FOREVER away?
shit. did you preorder? i looked at a dozen web-stores last night and they all have conflicting release dates. i'm afraid to order & be stuck waiting, drooling next to my mailbox while SOMEBODY FOUND IT SOMEWHERE, EARLIER, AND ARE ROLLING THE FUCKING BALL ALL OVER A NEW WORLD EXPERIENCING KATAMARIC BLISS.
i'm going to camp out in front of eb the night before dressed as the prince.
Posted by
mike |
1:30 AM
9/22 according to Best Buy: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=7190096&type=product&id=1113534514761
Posted by
CP |
9:51 AM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by
CP |
1:07 PM
Then again amazon has a date of 9/20: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000A5K5MI/qid=1126029991/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/102-3946179-0057713?v=glance&s=videogames&n=507846. It's probably going to be on 9/20 since it's a Tuesday (don't most DVDs get released on Tuesdays)?
Posted by
CP |
1:32 PM
they hate us. that's why they changed the date.
Posted by
mike |
3:59 AM