"technique is nothing more than failed style." -- john waters.
"style is nothing more than failed technique." -- monkey.
"i thought I was learning to live; I was only learning to die." -- leonardo da vinci.
more da vinci/vermeer technique.
From a poll conducted by MSNBC: What teens believe constitutes sex:I wonder what pie they got this data from. I mean, it's so limited, considering the myriad of ways to get off. And kissing?? k.i.s.s.i.n.g.?? What about groupsex? anal sex? phone sex? dryhumping? inanimate objects? masturbation/myspace? I guess none of these count. Stupid pollsters.
• Kissing someone romantically 12% <---tee hee hee
• Touching someone's genitals or private parts [sex] 45%
• Oral sex 77%
• Sexual intercourse 91% <---- sexual intercourse constitutes sex. it does
Is Oral Sex A Big Deal?
For many teens (43%), oral sex is not seen as being as big a deal as sexual intercourse. Boys and girls see this somewhat differently. While almost half of boys (47%) think that oral sex is not as big of a deal as sexual intercourse, fewer girls feel that way (38%).
This doesn’t mean that teens are dismissive of its significance: Fifty-five percent of teens hold that it is “very important” to be in love before having oral sex. Somewhat more (68%) say it is very important to be in love before having sexual intercourse.
Link toall this nonsenseentire article on top.